Tuesday, 8 January 2008

Year 2, day 7 - spooky everyday notes

I received this earlier today, and thought you may enjoy it:

"You're in time and space for one reason: to thrive. There's no 50/50 about it. You are OF the Creator, BY the Creator, and now a Creator yourself, alive on a stage YOU designed for your own adventures. You were not an afterthought and you didn't design it to just eek by. All of the elements are beholden to you; you summoned them, you dreamed them into place, and now they conspire endlessly in your favor. "On a dime" your life can improve for the better with the slightest effort on your part, no matter how insurmountable the odds, nor how futile your thoughts and deeds may seem. You are "the prodigal child." In a heartbeat you're welcomed back into the fold. In an instant you can be carried along by life's current once you stop struggling against it. And for all of these reasons, and more, it's therefore as if your positive thoughts are 10,000 times more powerful than your negative thoughts. 10,000 times more in alignment with the magnificent tidal wave of energy that you are. 10,000 times more likely to become the things you want than the things you don't want, when you know these truths and you act on them. Yeah, coolness. The UNIVERSE"

If you enjoyed that as much as I did, i.e alot, sign up for 'notes from the universe' at www.tut.com... Trust me when I say they are spookily awesome.


B said...

Thank you so much for this, TAYO. I really needed it today after some of the comments on my blog. I hope you will never grow tired of hearing me say this but truly, knowing you is such a tremendous gift. You easily and kindly remind me every day that I am on the right path, that I am not engaged in some flight of fantasy but a truly purposeful life.

I like this excerpt: "Your positive thoughts are 10,000 times more powerful than your negative thoughts. 10,000 times more in alignment with the magnificent tidal wave of energy that you are." I feel that so completely in my own life but needed this reminder.

Oh, and I just received Dyer's book in the mail and am so looking forward to reading it!

Anonymous said...

This was nice to read indeed. It's coming at a difficult time.

Take A Year Out said...

hey guys.

difficult times remind me of one quote only:

'when going through hell: keep going'

winston churchill

trust me, our most difficult times, the absolute worst that we could imagine, is the dream scenario for the people i've visited today...

keep it all in perspective x